Happy birthday to the most amazing artist ever and a dearest friend, from the red-coated, Pinkie-loving, goatee-wearing stallion.
~Ace Play

Happy Birthday precious bean <3 I hope you will have a wonderful day and all the best <3

Dear Lupi, wishing you the happiest of birthdays <3 Wish that your life is filled with happiness and lots of hugs, that you stay in good health and all of your dreams and wishes come true.
And also, thank you so much for being who you are, for sharing your passion for art/games with us and for giving us so much joy every single day <3

Awooo and Hello Lupi!
If youre reading this I wish you a Happy late Full Moon and a Happy (probably early) Birthday! I hope when the actual date comes around you will be able to enjoy it to its Fullest and be able to Celebrate Lots! I know we havent interacted as Much as you did with me ol' Friend Mobi, but Im Still thankful for All the Interactions and I hope they werent too awkward xD
So lets bust out the Banana and Cherry juice, Mix it in a Glass so it becomes Kiba and Raise it to your Health! Cheers and Stay Wolfy!

Hey Lupi, I wish you all the best for your birthday. Stay crazy as you are, loving as you are, hearty as you are and caring <3. Even though there are many times that are not easy, you can do it!
Lupi, bleib einfach so wie du bist, denn wie du bist ist einfach perfekt. Auch mit deine Ecken und Kanten.
Gib nie auf <3

Hello Lupi! My birthday message to you is addressed during the gift that is attached. It is a Smule Cover of K.K. Cruisin' that actually is sung with lyrics! Please enjoy your very special day, and stay awesome!

Here is our cake cake collab result, hope you enjoy this cake with cake on cake for cake!

Hey Lupiii! Just a crazy but very loving Fox here!
Have, a VERY happy and AMAZING birthday! You deserve all the love there is to give from everyone in the community! Because you have been a blessing to everyone that can call you their friend, family, lover, even just someone you know! You share so much joy and love and kindness with everyone. It's admirable!
Now I won't go all crazy out on the supporting you do for everyone :3
So go enjoy this special day, be craycray and get all the love from those near you!

Hey lupie Happy birthday! I do hope its a good one, With all the love and hugs you deserve.
(wich is a LOT so make sure to stretch first!) We may not talk as much as we used to but no matter what you allways bring a smile to my face,
If you ever need anything or just a chat you know where to find me.
keep watching that moon little lupie

Lovely Lupi, we wish you all the best for your birthday! May you have all the meepies, new opportunities, many POMMES with MAYO and as many new and old friends as your heart desires!
You are our favourite potat, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon!
With love, Mini and Norsense

Dear Lupi
Firstly Happy Birthday have the best and most amazing day you are truely amazing and secondly Thank you for everything for always bring a smile to those around for always having energy and just for being you. You truely are so amazing and i am so happy I can say I have a friend named Lupi. Just remeber you are the best and to stay amazing.
Much love from the Ducth angel Dragon PAVEY

Dear Lupi, I wish you a happy birhtday, that is hopefully full of love and all that positive things <3
WIsh you a great year ahead, with lots of fun and opportunities that make your life greater. You have no idea, how you can change people and make them even a little better, and I'm sure, many will tell you exaclty that, and some even on how you saved them and made their life better.
If the world had even 10% of Lupis I'm sure the world would be better, does not mean, that you carry the world on your shoulder. You are a mere potato, a lupitato, you know what they do? Make people happy and themselves, by being yummy.
You do you, a happy Lupi is a happy Meep Community.
Lots of love

for you ^^


You are such a lovely bean and amazing friend. Your art is amazing. Your gaming is amazing. You are always excited when I come into stream. It means a lot to me. I am hoping your birthday is one you will always remember. Soft hugs and all the love

Aloha Lupi ! alles alles gute zum geburtstag wir hoffen das es dir gut geht so langsam kommen die 30 näher und näher^^ tut der rücken schon weh ? krachen die gelenke schon ? nein ? naia hast ja nochn bisschen genies dein tag lass dich verwöhnen und lass dich von niemanden ärgern ! wir haben dich ganz doll lieb ♥

Happy birthday!!! Hope you have an awesome day! :3

Merry Birthmas Lupi! I've been kinda busy off fixing airplanes and whatnot but I wanted to at least wish you a happy birthday on your most special day! On behalf of all the Meepstars, keep up the great work and keep having fun everyday! 9c6

Happy birthday lupi I hope you have a wonder day

Hey Lupi, looks like it's your birthday today! Thank you for being such a positive bean! I want to wish you everything that others wished plus a good health, loving and caring partner, success in everything you do and a well behaving chat! From Russia with love. From Raven

Happy birthday lupi! (ur awesome btw!)

Happy birthday. Thanks for sharing your love of childhood games with the world

Congratulations on another year of continued survival, as I say to my coworkers!

Happy birthday Lupi you amazing bean, I wish you the best day you can have.


Hey you wonderful bean! You know we all love you with all our heart, and today we can celebrate one of the most amazing days! Your birthday! Thank you for being who you are! Thank you for being an amazing friend! All the love and cake for your special day! And of course some crepes with Nutella and strawberries

Happy Birthday Lupi! Thank you for being such a precious bean and a friend.

Happy birthday, Lupi! You're my most favorite streamer ever because I love your kind personality, your unique and adorable art style, and your fun and uplifting spirit! I hope your birthday is really fun and amazing and you can get the rest and relaxation you deserve, too. 💜💜💜

To my dearest lupi, it has been a long time coming, but it is now your Birthday. So Happy Birthday to you my best Pirate Queen! We have known each other a long while now and even now you never cease to amaze me with your incredible skills with your Art, or in Sea of Thieves, you have come a long way from when I joined the community. I must admit, this was a hard decision to make, but I took the plunge and here we are! As we've gone through the years, our bond has just grown stronger and I thank you for this opportunity, so here is my message.
Thank you for being yourself and making others feel included, you do a lot of hardwork that doesn't go unnoticed, for that alone I salute you. Also thank you so much for all of your support, that really goes a long way.
Now here is your task for your Birthday, you go have fun, you be a queen and you own this day, you deserve it and all the gifts you receive, I hope you get spoiled by your loved ones and hope you have lots of CAKE! Not too much to where you feel sick though!
Best Regards
Your Best Pirate Buddy

Happy birthday, you sweet bean. You are such a wonderful and wholesome person. Your streams always boost up my mood. Your vibrant energy always feels like a virtual hug. I adore you completely. Sending you all the hugs and purrs on your special day.

(Kristal) Happy birthday you cutie of a bean!!! We are pretty new to the community but we already feel very welcome, this community has so much positivity and it helped my motivation to draw!!
(Starlight) Uhm hi, birthdays are nice, happy birthday and thank you for helping Kristal finally do something about herself.
(Lumi) Happy birthday fren!! ^c^

Hello Lupikind <3 We wish you all the best for your birthday and we love you very much. Stay as creative, crazy, wild and lovable as you are! We are happy to have you in our family every day and look forward to many more great years! Best wishes and a big fat hug from your Mama Aruna and Papa Lufu

I have some things to write and tell you^^
I wanna thank you for everything you have done for me so far, all the times we met and spend time together, all the times we listened to eachother, it feels already so long since we known eachother, this feels somehow surreal and is something that i cherish each and everyday
You are the biggest inspiration in my life and i mean it, without you i wouldnt know anyone in this beautiful community, people like Shy, Nova and Pavey who feel like a family, amazing friends like Kev, Mara, Laura, Jack, Niru, Noah, Sushi, Woodie, Peternators,Norse, Nascat and Lyakonius and many amazing members of this community <3
You are one of the best friends i ever had and ever will have, Lupi you will always be the biggest inspiration and you had so far the biggest impact in my life
I personaly thank you so much from all of my heart
All the things i made and will make came from my heart and will always be the appreciation for our friendship
Love you Lupi as the most amazing streamer, artist and of course as one of the bestest friends to ever have
Best wishes and love,
Mobi with all heart <3

Happy Birthday best potato! Wishing you all the best from the bottom of my heart! <3

Hello my dear Friend Lupi, i wish You an amazing special Day.
It is always a beautiful time to spend with you online and when meeting you in Person.
You always put a big smile on everyones face with your beautiful Art and wonderful Stream.
And today we all shall celebrate You the best lovely Beantato together.

Dear Lupi,
I haven't known you that long, but I wouldn't want to miss the short time I've known you and your community. So, all I can do right now, is to Thank you. And without further ado, let's go into it:
My dearest Lupi, whether you are drawing, singing or sailing the salty, rough seas with friends, your stream always brings joy to everyone. When you draw, you inspire people to draw too, when you sing, people want to sing a verse too, in short, the fun and joy you radiate when you stream and the heart and soul you put into it really comes across to people. That's something very special, that not every streamer has. Even if you experience difficult times, rest assured that you are our "very precious bean" and always will be. If only a fraction of the love and appreciation that you have for your community comes across in my Text here, then I've done my job well. The only thing left for me to do at this point is to say thank you for everything you do. Thank you so much for the streams, the pictures, the community, the good humor. The whole package, Lupi, that we get to marvel at every time. Thank you so so much.
Even if you might see it differently, you deserve only the best, and you deserve it from the bottom of our hearts. Please stay as you are, for many more wonderful years to come.
This is the part where I would have included a little song. Unfortunately, I can't manage to get the boys in front of the microphone before it's Closing date, which means the metal version of "Du hast den schönsten Arsch der Welt" has to be canceled for this year. I'm very sorry.
With only the best wishes,

happppy birthdayyyyy lupi

i wish you a happy birthday and hope you receive some awesome presents! you rock!

Dear Lupi,
I wish you all the best for your birthday and that all your wishes come true!
You are such an amazing bean, love your energy and it is always so much fun meeting you ^^ I hope that we can do so more often in the future!
For now I hope that you're having an amazing day 💚
Your Blackpoint

Happy Birthday Lupi You Awesome sweet bean! another Year around the sun with so many amazing fun memories and cherished friendships, keep on being the awesome bean you are you have grown so much as a streamer and an artist and I am so darn proud of you, love you lots Lupi

Warmest wishes and thanks for all the positive vibes you spread!

To Lupi: Where to begin?
You are genuinely such a incredible, energetic, positive, and wholesome person, and an amazing artist, and you never fail to bring a smile to my face with your endless kind and caring comments towards everyone in every stream - including myself!
I'm truly thankful for having met you at GalaCon '23, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you there again this year!
I sincerely hope that you have an absolutely wonderful birthday today, filled with happy times and treasured memories with friends, family, and all of your loved ones in your life, and I hope that you can look back at everything in your past with confidence, knowing that you have overcome everything that has ever stood in your path.
Happy birthday, and congratulations! Here's to many more wonderful times! ^^

happy borkday Lupi, you hecking amazing bean <3

Happy birthday lupi from kuro 💜💜💜 have an awesome birthday, AWOOOOOOO!!!!

happy birthday beschtie! stay as you are, you‘re loved (ecspecially from me huehue) ♥️.

Hello Lupi,
It's been almost a year now since I met you and Mara. During this time we have experienced so many different things and, above all, we have done so many shoots that I made this little montage. You will still receive a physical gift from me. All the best and lots of health from your personal photographer and comfy bringer

Happy Birthday you absolute bean! Much love to you, and may this be the best day possible with all the amazing beings around you! Don't forget to Sub Tier 3 to LupiArts for a great moment with one of the most amazing artist! <3

Happy birthday you amazing girl you. Always remember you are talented, awesome, amazing, and always loved.

Happy birthday Lupi! Hope you have an absolutely amazing day! Here's to another year, and hopefully an amazing one at that. And hopefully a vacation in the near future as well, haha. We wish you all the best and hope you're well, stay loved and we really are so happy to be able to call you our friend! Have a fantastic day and an amazing stream, lots of love from Nova and Blueberry! ^^

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LULU!!!🎉💕✨ i hope you'll have a fantastic birthday and lots of gifts ! I send you lots of kisses and hugs your way💕💕💕💕

Hello my beautiful Lupes, best Doggo I could have ever known :D
I wish you all the best to your Birthday as well as everyday in your life. Although I know you are struggling with a lot of personal stuff I am always so proud of you on how you are managing to be there for your friends, keep up with ur streams and artworks.
I have known you for about a year know and it feels like ages already. I am so glad that I can call you one of my dearest friends that I got to know during the time in the furry fandom and your community. I am thankful for being part of your life and that you enjoy spending the time together everytime that we see each other. I love our daily conversations and all the funny stuff we do in suit or out of suit.
All in all I just wanted to say you are amazing!
Keep up with your work and stay who you are.
Lots of love goes out from me!
- Sushi ✨🐭

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUPI!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get all the love you deserve on this special day. Please keep being you and I'm sending you all the hugs and kisses to you from my little corner in Canada ^_^

dearest lupi,
you are such a wonderful, adorable, skilled, amazing artist, person, and streamer! i consider myself lucky to get to know you, and see you grow and develop and get all the love you deserve <3 thank you so much for being you
love, syrup

Dear Lupi. You are the most precious bean ever seen. All meepstars love your personality and talent. And we all love you for being such a uplifting personality for everyone! You are also a joyful furry and kind pegasister and we all would be deeply sad If we ever would have to loose you, so we all wish you health, wealth, happiness and success with everything you wanna achieve. Stay yourself and don't let you get down! You are beautiful, wonderful, talented and kind, you can do anything dear Lupi! Feel hugged and have a great party later that day, you deserve to be celebrated! Many cuddles, your Woodie

Alles alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag, Lupi! <3

Have a great bday lupi love you and keep up the positive vibes